NSM - College of Wooster Fall Break October 2018

NSM - College of Wooster Fall Break October 2018

We welcomed our second group from the College of Wooster this year during their fall break.  There were five college students and two College staff.  

The group worked three days in our breakfast program, one afternoon with Habitat and one afternoon with People to People.  They met with Awareness in Motion and visited MOCA house.  

We at North Street Mission want groups to have a meaningful week and hope that they continue to go on mission trips in the future.  Part of this process involves getting feedback from the groups.  Here is a summary of the feedback from the College of Wooster group:

College of Wooster  10/7/18 - 10/10/18
I believe that NSM can make a difference by:

 *  Continuing to dedicate their time and energy to serving the Wooster community and showing others HOW they serve.
*  Reaching out to the college to help students understand the community.
*  Showing a side of the city that is often unseen.
*  Can achieve the goal of helping a larger population and impacting their lives.
*  By remaining an open minded and respectful place to be.
*  Identifying people who WANT help and using resources to facilitate that help for them specifically.

Survey Responses.......

*  What lessons have I learned?  Humility
*  I enjoyed working with Habitat and meeting the various people who dedicate their lives to service.
*  How great it is to give back to the community.
*  Just seeing the amount of homeless persons in our community and the little things they need in order to survive.  Most people (College Students) are completely unaware.
*  Dedication to a mission and having an open heart are so important in order to do such challenging work.
*  Most impacted you?  Lack of shelter.
*  To value all that we usually take for granted.
*  Great lil time with breakfast people!
*  Aware of the organizations in town and the extent to what they all do.
*  Why I choose to keep doing service.

North Street Mission
150 E. North St.
Wooster, Ohio  44691


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