
Showing posts from April, 2019

Consider Trinity for your Qualified Charitable Distributions from IRA's

Have you thought of making your pledge to Trinity from a Qualified Charitable Distribution from your IRA?  Certain IRA holders have the opportunity to make tax-free distributions from their IRAs to qualified charitable organizations.  For tax-free eligibility, the qualified charitable distribution (QCD) must be sent directly from the IRA payable to the receiving qualified 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.  Trinity is such a qualified organization.   Click below for information from Stifel Investments.   Always consult your tax advisor for details. Qualified Charitable Distributions From IRAs summary from Stifel Investments "Trinity is an Open & Affirming, Global Mission church where everyone is welcome!" Trinity United Church of Christ 150 E. North St. Wooster, Ohio  44691 330-264-9250 Website Like us on facebook

Donald Jones pulpit exchange May 19, 2019

Don Jones (center as posted in the 1969 Trinity Church Directory Don Jones will be preaching at Trinity on Sunday May 19, 2019.   Rev Kevan Franklin will be heading out to fill the Plum Hill pulpit for the day in our first pastoral exchange.  Don grew up in Wooster and their family attended Trinity. Worship 9:30 am Sunday May 19, 2019   Don at a recent baptism. "Trinity is an Open & Affirming, Global Mission church where everyone is welcome!" Trinity United Church of Christ 150 E. North St. Wooster, Ohio  44691 330-264-9250 Website Like us on facebook

Chicken BBQ Carryout Sunday 5/19/19

Click to print out an order form "Trinity is an Open & Affirming, Global Mission church where everyone is welcome!" Trinity United Church of Christ 150 E. North St. Wooster, Ohio  44691 330-264-9250 Website Like us on facebook

Rummage Sale 5/9 & 5/10, 2019

Woman's Guild Rummage Sale Thursday May 9, 2019 and Friday May 10, 2019 Woman's Guild Rummage Sale. Thursday 8 am - 5 pm; Friday 8 am - 1:30 pm. Friday is $5.00 bag day. We receive a variety of items for our Rummage Sale so you never know what treasures you might find.   Trinity United Church of Christ 150 E. North St. Wooster, Ohio  44691 330-264-9250 Website Like us on facebook